Monday 29 October 2012

Conversation with a racist

I was watching an episode of Judge Judy recently on YouTube. (Judge Judy is an American reality TV show in which real life plaintiffs take a case to court) The defendants were two black teenagers and they were found guilty of stealing a bag. The following conversation took place in the comments page between myself (MrMijagi1980) and SIOSpawn.

SIOSpawn:  typical black male, its not stereotypical its the facts.

MrMijagi1980: How do you know it's the facts? Seems like you are prejudiced against black males. Do you just turn a blind eye to the stupid, bad white males?

SIOSpawn: just in case you havent heard of google before, heres the research: In 2008 the breakdown for adults under correctional control was as follows: one out of 18 men, one in 89 women, one in 11 African-Americans (9.2 percent), one in 27 Latinos (3.7 percent), and one in 45 Caucasians (2.2 percent). Crime rates have declined by about 25 percent from 1988-2008.[15] 70% of prisoners in the United States are non-whites.

SIOSpawn: silly boy, im going to go ahead and assume that you assume im not a black male

MrMijagi1980: you're talking about the typical criminial, which is different from the typical male. your research would only back up your 'typical black male' opinion if it stated that the majority of black males are in prison. 9.2% is not a flattering statistic but it does not represent the majority.

SIOSpawn: ok take four blacks males, sayy......the 4 in this video , all 4 commited a crime, so right now we are at 100%, now add the black males from the audience i see 2, then of course the baliff, thats 3, so 4 out of 7 black males involved n this case are criminals...that = majority. and you argument is invalid about criminals vs non criminals because if the werent criminals then they wouldnt be in jail or n prison, beside every adult and most minors are criminals in the US.

MrMijagi1980: your argument does not make any sense. you can't take this isolated case and apply it to the general population of black males. the majority of black males are not in prison. you provided the stats yourself: 9.2% or 1 out of 11, not 4 out of 7. like I said 9.2% is not a good stat but 9.2% is not the majority, so your argument that the idiots in this video are 'typical black males' is untenable.

SIOSpawn: cool story, but we are not talking about the majority here, but since you brought it up, go around random neighborhoods and gather 10 black males, i bet more than half have committed a crime within the last week, now go gather your white neighbors, i bet the harshest crime they've commited that week would be speeding lol

MrMijagi1980: we are indeed talking about the majority here because you were talking about the 'typical black male'. by using the word 'typical' you are indicating that most black males are dumb and criminal, which I think is a crude prejudice.

SIOSpawn: you cannot just assume that all the rest are not criminals who have not yet been caught. what proof do you have to say that most black males are not criminals?

MrMijagi1980: you didn't answer my question - what proof do you have to say that most black males are criminals? neither of us can assume anything because we just don't know. innocent until proven guilty.

I didn't get a reply from SIOSpawn. Maybe he realised he was talking rubbish.

1 comment:

  1. Mike -

    Haven't read all of this but it seems you are coming from two different cultural contexts.

    Despite the rhetoric America is still one of the most divided societies in the world.

    Obama would do better to address deep seated historical dualism rather than swimming with the political tide and trying to secure a legacy of sorts me shape or form from an agonizingly dull first term.

    He killed Bin Laden. So what? I found it disturbing seeing everybody, particularly young ppl celebrating the demise of an obviously imbalanced individual who was only a figurehead for a much deeper discontent.

    Calvin's dualism at it's very worst.

    It all goes back to the Reformation, a big crack opens up and alot of people fall through it.

    besides al Quida killed 3000 people on 9/11
    we killed 10 x that in Iraq, a country run by Bathists who hated Al Quida

    Be glad of our Catholic roots.
